Sunday, March 22, 2009


Language is one of our greatest gifts as a species, with it we have recorded our history, developed our maths and given names to all of God's creatures, even given God a name. It's one of the dearest parts of human culture, it helps shape our thoughts, desires and dreams. So then why the hell can it be so frustrating every now and then?

Scientists have been able to give name to almost every creation under the sun but the feelings that reside in our hearts and minds often defy all definition. The feeling of love is one of those words that can inspire a million different interpretations, pages of poetry and clinical investigations but we are still left with just four symbols on paper, a man made shell that tries to hold some part of God's mystery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well Marco,i m the student from Shenzhen meddle school, if i m right,i have met u before,haha,with your camera.well,your pictures make my tears run out of my eyes,nice picture and discription.appreciate for what u have done.

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