Thursday, November 20, 2008

Walking into the Darkness

There's something to be said about Newton and those other physicists. I'm not much of a scientist but I love thinking about the stuff, especially when you get to apply it to everyday experience. Most intriguing to me is the law of conservation of energy which basically states that energy can never be destroyed it just changes forms: my hand uses kinetic energy to type on the keyboard which creates sound energy, light energy and electric energy when the computer transforms the click of the keyboard press into an electric signal which it displays on the computer screen.

When you use the rule to talk about the more abstract stuff things get even more interesting. Talking about the tranformation between life and death is a discussion that reaches from science to religion. Of course the energy that kept you breathing when you were alive is now keeping the grass green when you are dead, but what about your essence, the thing that makes you you. That's something that is a bit harder to trace in an experiment and I'm sure isn't in any science books. Where does it go after a strong chain of physical events causes death.

Love is another one of those things that is very hard to pin down. There are no tests one can do to see when it is gained or lost, you just kind of have to feel it. So what happens after a fairly strong series of physical events makes you lose that feeling even if it's just temporarily: Where the hell did it go? Can love really turn into hatred, depression, anger, or does it just fade away slowly? I'm guessing that the one thing it couldn't have done is turn into something more beautiful.

Next... Winter in Beijing

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